Overcomers are coming Now

The Overcomers are Coming Now!

The Lord is speaking very loudly and with a ROAR.  This is a time to let your Light shine Bright.  This is a time of great exposure, sifting, shifting, refining and advancement.

I heard the Lord say to me, “Let My people called by My Name know there is a A New Battle Cry.”

Many have been hidden and just under the surface…

I seen these ones like a seed under the ground and germinating… The Lord said, “the Time is now for them to break-through the surface and grow rapidly… Hidden, but accelerated. The Lord said to me, “ I have been watering them in my Presence and raising them up in Truth…”

They will come on the scene such as Stephen did, And what they said pleased the whole gathering, and they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 6:5)

We had not even heard about Stephen until it was time and he is a man full of Faith and full of the Holy Spirit. He had been in waiting and then at the right moment he was called forth from seclusion.  Secluded to included.

Many have been in a long wilderness season and they shall come forth suddenly into their assignments full of the Holy Spirit.  This will be so shocking to the Body of Christ it will bring in the awakening needed for the transition we are moving towards for the next decade.  This decade we are entering is pivotal and will bring the Kingdom mindsets called to shape culture.  The Glory of God shall cover the earth.

I seen them being exposed by the Glory of God and being given more oil to burn brighter in this hour. They are not to be judged by appearance but by what they carry… They carry His Presence because He is Present.

These called out from the secret place are totally surrendered with the revelation, that if it wasn’t for God they would never be experiencing this new provision, this new oil, this fresh intense fire producing awestruck passion, and they understand this new thing Father is releasing into the earth.

They have been stripped down of the fear of man and carry the Spirit of the fear of the Lord…

They have no agenda but to carry their Cross and to take the territory.

They know the enemy is not of flesh and blood.

They know the cost of the anointing. they are all in for the Kingdom of God and in Love with Jesus without compromise.

This is a time of great exposure, sifting, shifting, refining and advancement.

Their faith has been tested. They will move in power, operate in the Spirit of Truth and release the Kingdom with demonstration.

They are the overcomers. The Lord said to me after He gave me this Word… “They are the greatest generation ever to walk the earth by My Spirit.”  The shift will happen at the end of September as we step into a New decade, we will also step into all that our Father has predestined us for.  Our purpose in this time, in this Era will be revealed to us to advance the Body of Christ into a unity of Faith never seen before, but revealed only by the Holy Spirit.

This is Father’s Dream touching the Earth like never before. You are the Dream.


Intro from Apostle Joe Joe Dawson:

Bryan and Crystal Burt have been in our Network, ROAR Apostolic Network, for over two years. They have always shown great character and an extreme heart for God. Their passion is to see revival and awakening in America. They have our full recommendation.

Every time Bryan has shared a prophetic word with me it has been on point. ROAR is in alignment with Apostle Ken Malone and Apostle Dutch Sheets, who both spoke at our national conference, where Bryan and Crystal were ordained.

Joe Joe Dawson
Joe Joe Dawson Ministries

Email: JoeJoeDawson@hotmail.com

Bryan Burt
Kingdom Workmanship Ministries

Email: apostlebryanjburt@gmail.com
Website: www.brightintercessoryprayer.org

Bryan and Crystal Burt are up and coming prophetic voices arising from ROAR Apostolic Network. They live in Lebanon, Oregon and have three beautiful children. They were ordained and commissioned by Apostle Joe Joe Dawson into the ROAR family and share in his desire to see every Believer fulfill their God-given purpose so that they can reach their predestined destiny. The Burts family lives a lifestyle of revival and awakening. They are passionate about contending for reformation within this great nation of America.


One thought on “Overcomers are coming Now

  1. This is right on. And for my husband and I, it confirms allot God is doing in our lives right now. Thank you for sharing and being obedient to the Holy Spirit by sharing this.
    I would like to share this in social media as my friends and family would be encouraged by this. Please let me know if this is okay.

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